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End Hep C SF hosted a community meeting at our partner agency San Francisco AIDS Foundation on Thursday, March 8th and over 120 people were in attendance! The theme of the meeting was “Get Cured, Stay Cured.” Dr. Kelly Eagen talked to community members about reinfection prevention and the importance of monitoring liver health post-HCV cure. She also got some tips from community members about how to effectively talk to her patients around reinfection. End Hep C SF members Pauli Gray and Orlando Chavez moderated an inspiring panel of six End Hep C SF members who have been cured of HCV. The panel shared with the meeting attendees how they plan to “stay cured” in the coming months and years. We gave out lots of t-shirts and raffle prizes too! Thanks to our panelists, SFAF for hosting, and Gilead for the delicious dinner! Stay tuned for details about our next community meeting to be held this summer.



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