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The End Hep C SF Model

Our Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee consists of people with expertise in hepatitis C who share a vision for hepatitis C elimination. Members represent a range of organizations and practices across San Francisco, leading efforts in hepatitis C testing, linkage, treatment, and advocacy. Current members of the Coordinating Committee include:
Name Organization Role
Jordan Akerley End Hep C SF Backbone Support
Joanne Kay End Hep C SF Backbone Support
Shelley Facente, MPH, PhD Facente Consulting Backbone Support
Pauli Gray UCSF/DeLIVER Care Community Liaison
Isaac Jackson, PhD Urban Survivors Union Community Liaison
Rachel Grinstein SF Dept. of Public Health Community Research and Data Stewardship Workgroup Representative
Meghan Morris, PhD UCSF/YETI Study Community Research and Data Stewardship Workgroup Representative
David Leiva SF Dept. of Public Health Jail Health Liaison
Soraya Azari UCSF/OTOP MAT Program Liaison
Courtney Mulhern-Pearson End Hep C SF Community Policy & Advocacy Workgroup Liaison
Andrew Reynolds San Francisco AIDS Foundation Prevention, Testing, and Linkage Workgroup Liaison
Annie Luetkemeyer, MD UCSF/Positive Health Practice Treatment Access Workgroup Representative
Jennifer Price, MD UCSF/Viral Hepatitis Center Treatment Access Workgroup Representative

Our Workgroups

All End Hep C SF workgroup meetings, except for the Coordinating Committee, are open to the community. Our four main workgroups are:

This workgroup primarily consists of researchers and epidemiologists focused on studies and public health surveillance related to hepatitis C. The workgroup’s priorities include identifying opportunities to use data to inform elimination priorities and addressing gaps in knowledge to improve End Hep C SF’s understanding of hepatitis C in San Francisco. Meetings take place on an ad hoc basis via Zoom.

This workgroup brings together individuals with a focus on policy and budget advocacy. Members work in these areas or are people who have an interest in contributing to discussions about policy and budget priorities to support hepatitis C elimination activities. This group meets on an ad hoc basis.

This workgroup is composed primarily of  frontline workers from community-based organizations and other agencies that provide HIV/HCV testing, linkage, navigation, and harm reduction services. Workgroup meetings aim to strengthen collaborations between organizations through building relationships, sharing strategies, identifying common challenges, and analyzing community-based hepatitis C testing data to understand the “story behind the curve.” This collaborative approach helps members to make progress toward hepatitis C elimination.  The group meets on 2nd Thursdays at 10:00am on Zoom.

The Treatment Access group primarily consists of clinicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers working on hepatitis C. The group focuses on building strategies to expand low-barrier access to care through exploring new models of care and strengthening the links of the hepatitis C care cascade. The workgroup meets on 2nd Tuesdays at 11:00am on Zoom.

To sign up for calendar invitations, updates from any of these groups, or to join our general email list, please contact us at info (at) or through the contact form on our home page.

Community Partners

To date, 37 organizations and over 200 individuals have officially joined the End Hep C SF initiative. We welcome anyone with lived experience of hepatitis C, those working on hepatitis C-related issues, and anyone interested in learning more to become community partners. Organizational partners sign a simple document affirming their commitment to the vision of hepatitis C elimination in San Francisco and to support the work of End Hep C SF.  Aligned with the Collective Impact framework, participation from representatives of these diverse organizations drives our progress toward hepatitis C elimination in the city. If your organization is interested in joining the initiative, please reach out to us at info (at) 

Funding Partners